quinta-feira, agosto 27, 2009

The real meaning of music

Once I talked to a very friendly old man who was musician and he told me this: "Music has such incredible power and it's nearly impossible to find someone who does not like it". I say music is very important to me indeed and I totally agree with him. Music has the power of changing your mood when you're down. if you're tired, for example, you can relax at the sound of a smooth jazz as a background. Music is an inspiration.. it can be an inspiration for love or simply a romance, I mean, you can try to make a declaration of love just by singing and playing an instrument at the same time and then it will make the other person melt. Music is democratic, there are a lot of different and great styles, so you can just be into a specific type or any others. Music is art. Music is poetry. Music can just represent love as well as your spirit and soul. Well, just let music take your mind and you'll see...

Speaking of music, you can listen to a song I like very much called "Brither Than Sunshine" by Aqualung. When I first heard the song, on a movie called A Lot Like Love, I just loved it :D

sábado, agosto 15, 2009

Prejudice... get rid of it!

Hello guys, after a long time I'm finally back :D Today I'm gonna make a new reflection: while I was watching a very interestin' show in which the heads of two different families (usually it's the mother) exchange their families for a week. Today, though, happened a thing in the show I had never seen before - this exchange took place between 2 VERY differents, or rather, extremily different families: one very rich lived in a LARGE and very much nice house (it was an incredibly beautiful mansion), and the other one was based in a very poor house, located in a very poor place (it was a slum in fact). Although there was this large difference between them, they acted in a so much sensible way, there was much respect between them that it deeply touched me. The show just put out, no matter what, even if there's a lot of material need, a family can be really very strong if they're all united. In addition, they involved in the process of exchange faced the incredible experience without any prejudice.. Respect is the key word. You can face an experience which, at first, seems impossible for you to completete it, but at the final you'll see you could learn much more than you ever had realized.
Then I must wrap this up just saying that getting ready for new experiences means you must throw away all those stereotypes you got in your head.